Saturday, July 24, 2010

Partial Insanity

I was trying to take a picture of my partially finished scrappy purse.

Camera to my eye and click....

I don't think this is what I meant to capture but he is my little Fur Prince and is of course entitled to be anywhere he wants to be. If he wants to be in the middle of the picture, so be it.

Soooo... I have the front done except a few little holes... Took an outside and inside photo for your convenience.

You decide if natural light or fluorescent lighting is better. They might both stink due to the operator. I am not offended if you think so. hehe

I have been slacking on my "assignments" because a lovely little lady, my Nana Ollis, has been in town. I get my love for pins, love for "secret candy," and my desire to be a God fearing woman from Betty Ollis! Love all three of these little ladies: Sophia, Nana, and my mom, June!