Friday, July 23, 2010

Obsession with my DESIRED Profession!

I have ADD.

Not severely, but enough to aggravate myself.

The straw purse is about 40% complete.  I would use the grand ole "photo booth" on my Mac, but I took a few pictures and it does not come out great.  I'll get my rebel later and taken a picture for you!  

Back to the ADD thing, I am supposed to be whittling fragments of fabric through the tightly woven straw but I am putting the "pedal to the metal" to create layers of lush in a fall/winter velvet dress.  The size is medium and of course you will see the final product...  And yes it will be for sale... 

Today my pirate loaded up the truck with corn feed and deer stands and headed up to the Mississippi Delta to prepare for his winter paradise.  I told him last night that I dread the hunting season because I can't jump in his truck and head up north with my dirty old cowboy boots with him; I'll be "professionally dressed" and reporting to duty at 7 am and attempting to stay free from germs.  I'm not too fond of sitting in the cold or hot remaining silent in the middle of the woods in a deer stand, but I could bust some booty on my BROTHER CS-770 in the middle of the peaceful dreamy cabin with a fire crackling in the background!  One day...... Brother will be my BOSS!  


Where HE is^^^

1 comment:

  1. I have an order for you. Will you please make me 6 medium sized flower pots? I don't need a specific color pattern, but would like brights and fun colors. They can be any material. Please call me at 861-3318 if you would like. I love your work! - Thanks! Kristin
